K12 OLS (Online School)
What is it? The delivery system for the K12 online curriculum. Teachers, families and students use this account get to to the online school.
Video Link - https://www.help.k12.com/s/article/How-to-Log-Into-the-Online-School
How do you reach it? http://online.k12.com
Login Information: You will create your username and password using a Registration ID number that K12 sends you. And the home phone number that you had on your resume at time of employment application.
Passwords must...
have at least 8 characters (I know, the screen says 6)
have at least 1 uppercase
have at least 1 lowercase
have at least 1 number
NO special characters
If you don’t have your Registration ID please contact the Operations manager to get it for you. (The email you receive might be a little deceiving as it refers to you as a learning coach.
How will you use this system?
To access your K12 curriculum / courses
To access class progress and attendance reports
Quick links from this site to:TotalView SchoolStudy IslandScantronTeacher TrainingTeacher Help DeskClass Connect Sessions
Email that you will receive to get start wil look like this.
Subject: Welcome to the K12 Online School!
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2015 19:37:01 -0400
***************THIS IS AN AUTOMATED MESSAGE. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY***************Dear Parent/Caregiver,Welcome to the K12 Online School! In order to access the Online School (OLS) you will need to set up a Learning Coach accountand Student account(s). To do this you will need a computer with an Internet connection. You should ensure that thecomputer you are using has all of the required Internet browser plug-ins listed at http://www.k12.com/about/faqs_tech.html.Once you have these free plug-ins installed on your computer you can begin setting up your account.
Your Registration ID is: A1Y7-G4J1
To set up your Learning Coach account:
1. Visit http://www.k12.com and click "OLS Login" located at the top right of the page.
2. Once you have accessed the Login page, click "Set Up Your Account" located on the right-hand side.